Surgery for Deep Endometriosis: Reproductive Outcomes in Infertile Women
Deep endometriosis (DE) is a severe form of endometriosis where endometriotic growths invade deeper tissues such as the pelvic organs, including the bowel, bladder, and sometimes nerves. This type of endometriosis is often linked to infertility, but the exact relationship…
Key Points Lay SummaryPregnancy outcomes of women with endometriosis/adenomyosis.
Endometriosis and adenomyosis are diseases presented by ectopic growth of endometrial-gland-like tissues, which we can find in ovaries, pelvic organs, and myometrium. These diseases are causes of hypermenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. Although the number of reports about…
Key Points Lay SummaryDeep infiltrating endometriosis and postoperative pregnancy outcomes
Although the current ESHRE guidelines state that there is no strong evidence to support surgical intervention to improve the spontaneous pregnancy rate in women with deep infiltrating endometriosis and advise Assisted reproduction technology irrespective of the severity of endometriosis, several studies…
Key Points Lay SummaryWomen With Endometriosis at a Higher Risk of Pregnancy Complications
Apart from having difficulties conceiving, women with endometriosis also seem to have a significantly higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. This is according to a new population-based study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine. It is already known that…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow Good is Ultra-Long GnRH-a Treatment Before IVF for Women With Endometriosis?
Pretreatment with ultra-long gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a), i.e. for at least three months before in vitro fertilization (IVF), has an adverse effect on patient pregnancy outcomes with endometriosis, according to a meta-analysis of the literature published in the Journal of…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe effect of chronic endometritis on pregnancy outcomes in infertile women having minimal/mild endometriosis
Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease that is frequently diagnosed in reproductive-aged women. Infertility can be associated with endometriosis in these women depending on several pathophysiologic mechanisms such as anatomic distortion, and implantation failure. Thus pregnancy rate is so important, especially…
Key Points Lay SummaryPlacenta praevia and cesarean section more common in patients with ART for Endometriosis
Even though endometriosis is known to be associated with infertility, these women still have a chance to get pregnant spontaneously or by assisted reproduction techniques (ART) with the aid of recent technological developments. A It has also been shown that…
Key Points Lay SummaryHow does adenomyosis affect IVF outcomes?
Adenomyosis is defined as the localization of endometrial tissue in the muscle layer of uterus. Several theories have been proposed to explain the reasons of adenomyosis-associated infertility including uterine dysperistalsis, abnormal transportation of sperm in the uterine cavity, and embryo…
Key Points Lay SummaryPredictors for achieving pregnancy in patients with adenomyosis and endometriosis
Adenomyosis and endometriosis are benign conditions, however, both situations are associated with deterioration of life quality, a requirement of hospital administrations, and infertility. Laparoscopic surgery is the main treatment option especially for women who desire pregnancy. Shi and colleagues aimed…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe more than expected prevalence of endometriosis in patients with Mullerian abnormalities
Congenital müllerian anomalies resulting in a spectrum of uterine abnormalities are caused by the abnormal embryologic fusion of the müllerian ducts to form a normal uterine cavity. They are often unrecognized because they are usually asymptomatic. The presence of a uterine…
Key Points Lay SummarySerum anti-Müllerian hormone levels for predicting spontaneous pregnancy after endometriosis surgery
Endometriosis is a disease defined as the localization of endometrial glandular and stromal cells outside the uterine cavity. Although there are several medical and surgical therapeutic options, the most effective treatment modality has not yet been elucidated. The main…
Key Points Lay SummaryBest endometriosis articles of the past year.
Dr.Stowall, from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Methodist Hospital, Dallas, Texas, USA penned this letter and recently published it in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology to show his remarks of importance on four best publications of the…
Key Points Lay SummaryThe vaginal delivery rate of singleton term pregnancies still remains the same after total deep infiltrating endometrosis excisions
This recently published report in the Journal of Fertility Sterility is planned as a matched case-control study, by Nirgianakanis et al. from the University of Bern, Switzerland. Authors claimed their study is the first because previous studies on pregnancy outcome after laparoscopic…
Key Points Lay Summary